「基督学房」的服事、作业基本上以电脑网路为主。学员均可在网上取得学习资料, 在家中上课,并从指导老师取得辅助。学员的学习过程大概分作以下的几种方式:
1. | 网上学习 |
透过学房网站,即时视听阅读或下载各科课程内容,并以学房指定方式缴交作业。 | |
2. | 副修科目 |
每学年中休假期间(一月至二月),设特定的课程作为副修科目,供第二年或以上的学员选读。 | |
3. | 事奉辅导 |
设立「教会生活」、「事奉操练」等课程,指导学员在教会事奉上的学习,并透过学员「分享区」,让同学们彼此交通,在事奉上互相建立。 | |
4. | 生命扶持 |
透过所设立之「代祷与分享」区,让同学们学习肢体彼此扶持,导师与助教从旁扶持辅导。学员并可预约时间与导师或助教于网上作一对一的交通分享。 | |
除此之外,为着让同学与导师们有更方便的交通,同学可下载「基督学房的交通APP」藉此与所属科目的导师、助教联系及交通(APP只提供在学同学使用,并且暂只支援由导师建立与学员的单对单交通。) |
香港地区: | |
支票抬头请写: | 「基督学房 有限公司」或「Academy of Christ Ltd」。 |
邮寄: | 基督学房
或直接存入本学房汇丰银行HSBC户口: 491-374088-838 内。
请在存款单上写上姓名及回邮地址,邮寄或传真:2854-4082至学房办事处,本学房会按回邮地址寄上可扣税之收据。 |
台湾地区: | |
可存入: | 台湾银行高荣分行 (ATM代号:004) |
帐号: | 224001008159 |
户名: | 社团法人高雄市基督证主宣教协会 (请注明:为「基督学房」) |
美国地区: | |
支票抬头请写: | Academy of Christ |
邮寄: | Academy of Christ 3615 164th Place SE, |
加拿大地区: | |
支票抬头请写: | Academy of Christ |
邮寄: | Academy of Christ 105-3751 Jacombs Road, |
荣誉教务长: | 王国显 |
荣誉副校长: | 丁燕婴 |
主席: | 彭动平 |
副主席兼联络主任: | 吴淼垚 |
校长: | 刘志雄 |
财政兼文书: | 郭定强 |
教务兼总务主任: | 黄汉先 |
资讯科技主任: | 刘启光 |
常务干事: | 黄颂恩、黎悦康 |
网站系统管理: | 谭颂桦、马庆潮 |
办公室助理: | 黎丽文 |
The Academy of Christ, a non-profit institution registered in Hong Kong, the United States and Canada, aims at nurturing Christians who desire to serve the Lord in accordance with God's eternal purpose so that they will grow in the knowledge and experience of God and become vessels fit for His ministry.
God reveals to man that the execution of His eternal plan in the universe will bring about the summing up of all things in Christ. Therefore, we do not wish for God's revelation to be degraded into mere academic studies; nor are we willing to see God's work become just mental activities of man. Such neglect and bias will hinder the fulfillment of God's purpose among men as well as the full manifestation of God's perfect salvation.
In this manner, the Lord has entrusted to us this burden. May He use us, these unworthy ones, to move and direct God's children towards this main axis of God's eternal purpose to seek after Him in one accord and with coordination, so that the body of Christ may be built up in all aspects to hasten the coming of the day of the Lord's return.
We adopt the name of Academy of Christ, for we firmly believe that the whole Bible, through the revelation of the Holy Spirit, shows us who the Son of God is and what He has done. Thus, we are enabled to appropriate the Lord's finished work. By way of knowing Him and obeying Him, we shall learn to serve Him in accordance with His will, so that the ministry of His many sons may directly serve His purpose.
Having affirmed that the truth and the teachings of the Bible are the only basis for church ministry, we decide to transcend all denominational backgrounds and to open up to all members of the body of Christ who are willing to serve the Lord by handling accurately the word of truth. Together, we may then pursue after the Lord and serve Him with a pure heart as witnesses for God.
The operation and services provided by the Academy of Christ are primarily through the Internet. Students, while staying at home, have access to all study materials online as well as counseling and assistance from their advisors. In general, their learning procedures follow these channels:
The Internet
Students access all study materials online, download course contents and submit assignments through the Internet.
Seminars for Minor Subjects
During winter break (January to February) in the academic year, students studying second year or above may attend topical seminars and/or special seminars provided by the Academy and receive credits for their minor subjects.
Counsel for Church Service
Through the courses like "Church Life" and "Training for Ministry", students receive instruction in church services and can be mutually edified through fellowship in their respective "Sharing Groups".
Support in Life
Students learn to support each other as members of the Body and receive guidance from their advisors and tutors through the "Interceding and Sharing Groups". They may also make appointments with their advisors or tutors to conduct one-on-one dialogues and fellowship online.
In addition, in order to provide a more convenient way for communication between students and tutors, students can download the "AOC Sharing App" to connect with the corresponding tutors and teaching assistants of the subjects. (The APP is only available to students studying currently, and only tutors can conduct one-on-one dialogues with students.)
The Academy receives its commission from the Lord and therefore will learn to look to Him in faith for His provisions. No fees will be charged. While relying on the Lord for our needs, we urge all members of the body of Christ to remember this ministry in their prayers. Should anyone be moved by God to give offerings for the Academy, checks may be sent to:
Hong Kong Room 1005-1008, Celebrity Commercial Centre, 64 Castle Peak Road,
(Payable to: Academy of Christ Ltd.) Taiwan Bank of Taiwan , Gao Ron Branch (ATM code : 004)
Account Number : 224001008159
Account Name : Kaohsiung Christian Testimony Mission (Please note for Academy of Christ) U.S. Academy of Christ
3615 164th Place SE,
(Payable to: Academy of Christ) Canada Academy of Christ
105-3751 Jacombs Road,
(Payable to: Academy of Christ)
Academic Board of AOC
Honorary Dean of Academic Affairs :
Kwok-Hin Wong
Honorary Vice President:
Robert Ting
Jonathan Pong
Vice Chair-person & Liaison Officer:
Eric Wu
Peter Liu
Treasurer & Secretary:
Timothy Kwok
Dean of Curriculum & General Affairs:
Hon-Sin Wong
Information Technology Officer:
Kai-Kwong Lau
Executive Officer:
James Wong,
Yuet-Hong Lai
System Administrator:
Angela Tam,
Micky Ma
Assistant Clerical Officer:
Lai-Man Lai