- 全本圣经是神完整的启示;是我们生活与工作的最高权威与指导。
- 独一的真神是圣父、圣子、圣灵,同尊同荣,三而一的神。
- 圣父是万有的起头与归宿,万有都本于祂,倚靠祂,也归于祂。
- 圣子耶稣基督,是圣父怀里的独生子,是我们的主;祂是在万有以先,万有都是靠祂造的,为祂造的,并且靠祂而立;祂照圣父旨意,成了肉身,为童女所生;为赎世人的罪给钉死在十字架上,埋葬在坟墓里,第三天,身体从死人中复活,以后升天,父膏祂为那基督,赐祂那超乎万名之上的名,又要在日期满足的时候,使天上地上一切所有的,都在基督里面同归于一,将来还要带着荣耀的身体再来,在地上建立国度,带进新天新地,完成神永远的计划。
- 圣灵在圣子复活升天以后,受圣父差遣到地上来,叫世人为罪、为义、为审判,自己责备自己;叫相信圣子的人在圣灵里受浸,成为基督的身体;作信徒的保惠师,教导信徒明白真理,供应各样属灵的恩赐建造教会。
- 世人都犯了罪,亏缺了神的荣耀,因着相信作成救赎的圣子,得以称义,蒙恩得救。
- 蒙恩得救的人在圣灵的浸里给建造成教会,就是基督的身体,彼此作肢体,以基督为唯一的元首;照着神的旨意一同在教会中敬拜,追求并事奉,使基督的身体被建造完成,作基督的新妇,等候基督再来,被提进入基督的荣耀里,再与基督一同降在地上建立国度,引进新天新地,叫神永远的计划圆满完成。
- 我们持守圣经真理的教导,拒绝任何与神的真道不相符的教导与活动;也不与任何政治联接。
- 我们持定基督的身体是一个,只要是在身体里的儿女,都在基督里彼此有交通。但我们更确认基督的身体只有一个头,就是基督作教会唯一的元首,并且深知在主再来以前,地上必有假基督出现。我们坚守主的吩咐,与实际脱离了基督作头的信徒(或团体)有分别,不予接纳在基督身体的交通里。
- 我们认定高举神奇经历不合宜,我们只确认基督是一切。
As the redeemed, saved by God's grace, we believe in, and hold fast to, the following:
- The whole Bible is the complete revelation of God. It is our supreme and final authority and guide in our life and work.
- The one and only true God is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, equal in honor and glory, the Triune God.
- God the Father is the beginning and the end of all. All things are from Him and through Him and to Him.
- God the Son is Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God the Father. He is our Lord. He is before all things. All things have been created by Him and for Him; in Him all things hold together. Compliant with God's will, He became flesh, born of the virgin Mary. He was crucified as a ransom for all mankind. He was buried, raised up bodily on the third day and then ascended into heaven. God the Father anointed Him as the Christ and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name. In the fullness of the times, God will sum up all things in Christ, things in the heavens and things upon the earth. He shall return in a glorious body to establish His kingdom on earth, ushering in the new heaven and the new earth in fulfillment of God's eternal purpose.
- After the resurrection and ascension of God the Son, the Holy Spirit was sent to earth by God the Father to convict the world concerning sin, and righteousness, and judgment. All who believe in the Son are baptized in the Holy Spirit to become the Body of Christ. The Holy Spirit is the Comforter of believers, to guide them into all the truth and to supply various spiritual gifts for the building up of the Church.
- All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, but, because of their faith in God the Son who has accomplished salvation, they are redeemed by grace and justified.
- All who are saved by grace and baptized in the Holy Spirit are built up as the Church, which is the Body of Christ. They become members of the Body with Christ as their only Head. In accordance with the will of God, they gather together to worship, to pursue the truth and to serve in the Church, so that the Body of Christ may be built up to maturity to become the bride of Christ awaiting His return. The Church will be brought into the glory of Christ, and, together with Christ, will descend to the earth to establish the kingdom, thus ushering in the new heaven and the new earth to fulfill God's eternal purpose.
- We uphold the teaching of Biblical truth, reject all teachings and activities which do not adhere to God’s truth, and detach ourselves from any forms of political connection.
- We believe that Christ’s Body is one. All God’s children in the Body can fellowship with each other in Christ. Moreover, we affirm that Christ’s Body has only one Head, Christ being the only Head of the Church. We also firmly know that, before the Lord’s return, false Christs will appear on earth. We strongly hold fast to the Lord’s command and keep ourselves separate from all believers (or organizations) who in reality fail to uphold Christ as their Head. We shall not receive them into our fellowship in Christ’s Body.
- We acknowledge that it is inappropriate to uplift supernatural and strange experiences. We confirm only that Christ is all in all.